Intuitive Factor:  It’s Time For You To Thrive!

From a tiny seed, a tree grows…

With nourishment and support from Mother Earth and tender loving care, it thrives.

The same is true for us when we access the richness of the Universe and tap into our innate power to create beauty, our dreams, and to fulfill our purpose here by simply being ourselves.

I want that for you, because I want to get to know you and give you a few seeds to make the garden of our dreams grow. As you succeed, we succeed.

Here’s what I know to set you up for success…

This proven process has helped students to increase their income, have better relationships, improve their health, and connect deeply with their soul’s purpose. Read more here... 

During our time together I will teach you the Intuitive Success Coaching Process that allows you to naturally align with your highest potential and inner guidance to create the life your soul is calling you to live.

Each week you will receive one of these classes below and then starting May 2nd 2016 I’ll be leading our group coaching calls where you can experience a connection with community and apply these principles to your life!

Recordings are available.

Get Instant Access Now

Get ready, we are taking flight!

The Intuitive Factor 2016:

  1. First Chakra Activation- Creating From The Foundation of Love
  2. Second Chakra Activation- Your Intuitive Self
  3. Third Chakra Activation- Stepping Into Your Personal Power
  4. Fourth Chakra Activation- The Universal Language of Love
  5. Fifth Chakra Activation- Your True Expression
  6. Sixth Chakra Activation- Live Your Vision
  7. Seventh Chakra Activation- Your Sacred Connection To The Universe


  1. Activate Your Light, Live Your Purpose
  2. Activate Your Soul Blueprint
  3. Connecting To Source
  4. Manifesting With Energy
  5. Be Kind, You are Loved
  6. Let Your Purpose Serve You

Your 3-Month Membership includes weekly classes as listed above plus group coaching every week starting May 2nd-August 2nd 2016. Cancel at any time with 30-day notice.

Join Now For $327

Your Intuitive Factor will be available for instant download after payment
and email confirmation

Join our full program and take the next module as well, The NLP Factor...Read More


With Great Love,

Abby & The Life Force Connection Team